25TH MAY 2021
With the participation of all partner involved, we have started our project The Power of Stories with the Kick-off Meeting between the partners. Due to the circumstances of Covid-19, the meeting has taken place online. At the kick-off we have been able to establish the bases of the project and the next steps to take in order to achieve the objectives.
We hope the next one can be face to face!
GRANADA. Kick Off Meeting
25th / 26th October 2021
Thanks to the improvement of the health situation in the countries of the consortium, we have been able to hold this meeting in Granada.
During the last months, the partners have selected 15 stories per association and presented the results at this meeting. Each story has been assigned a main value, within the five values we work with: success and self-esteem; empowerment; reframing, creativity, vision and goal setting.
During the meeting, the partners decided how to present the 60 collected stories, as well as the structure of the future flipbook with the stories. This flipbook will have an introduction to the values and will be divided into chapters according to the value and will contain the corresponding stories.
To conclude Intellectual Output 1 (IO1) of the project, we have presented the research of the partner August Vermeylenfonds and will frame the research of the other partners as a theoretical framework.
As for Intellectual Output 2 (IO2), we have a common reflection on the topics we will deal with in the modules to work on the stories with adults and the structure of these modules. Each partner will cover a specific topic and we have agreed that by the end of December the first theoretical part will be finalised.
The agreed structure for the modules:
1.Theoretical part
2.Practical application
3.Activities and stories
18th MAY 2022
The team has met to update the local activities implemented by each association.
We continue working with enthusiasm!
20th/21st October 2022
The Power of Stories team has met again and worked on the last aspects of the IO2: Training modules for adult educators.
These months we have been working on the first part of the manual, the theoretical part. It is available on the project website.
The second part of the manual, the practical part, is divided into 2 sections. The first part will include 5 modules dealing with values, with the following structure:
-Latest sociological and psychological findings (__VALUE__)
-Adult education in the field of (__VALUE__)
-Adults in vulnerable situations and (__VALUE__)
The second part will deal with the analysis of the stories that partners collected for IO1 and a set of practical activities to work with adults. Our aim is to set out in this manual how the stories can be used to work with adults to improve their skills/acquire the value.
We discussed deadlines to finish the manual (it will be available in all consortium languages and in English), worked on our dissemination and impact plan and had a final wrap-up session with feedback from participants.
Thanks again for being part of this team, we keep working!